Silence Kills, Speak Up

Silence can be deceptive. Speak up, you may never get a chance to say what you wanted to.

Great News - Guest Writer


Hello All,

I would like to make an announcement! We have a guest author on the blog and she is none other than SARAH HINA who is a 34-year-old writer, wife, and mother of two. Her debut novel, PLUM BLOSSOMS IN PARIS, is now available from Medallion Press.

It's an honor to have Sarah post an article on this blog, and I suppose this gesture from her has made me really ecstatic about it.

I would request all my readers to participate and pour in their comments for the post from Sarah.

3 broke the Silence...wen wud U?: (+add yours?)

Sarah Hina said...

Thank you so much for this wonderful welcome, Abhi! I'm thrilled for the opportunity to meet some new friends over here.

I'll post by tomorrow. And I hope that everyone reading feels free, in their comments, to ask me questions about the book. Or just writing in general. :)

Thanks again!!

Abhi said...

Hello Sarah,

Thank you so much for following my blog.. i have been given an introduction to the first page on the internet.

Thanks once again for trusting this with your content

Anonymous said...

It is simply STUNNING! I am amazed at the ease with which you coloured the emotions. AWESOME!