Silence Kills, Speak Up

Silence can be deceptive. Speak up, you may never get a chance to say what you wanted to.

How I Wish


how I wish, I had not felt this way
how I wish, you had not stolen my heart away
how I wish, I could forget the first time I had known of your existence
how I wish I could change the way your eyes had met mine the first day
how I wish, I could make the time fly away
how I wish, I would not miss you the way I do today
how I wish, I could stay happy all through the day
how I wish, I could have you for ever to stay
how I wish, I had nothing to lose
how I wish, I had known all I have is only you
how I wish, I could pick you from my memories
how I wish, I could feel you from my dreams
how I wish, I could hold your tears back
how I wish, I had never known how it hurts
when someone leaves you back with a void all over!

9 broke the Silence...wen wud U?: (+add yours?)

Pragya said...

How I Wish , I could have accepted it.....

Myworld said...

I love this line - "how I wish, I had never known how it hurts"..Good one

Anonymous said...

"How I wish" nobody knows but the self.

MSawant said...

"How I Wish, I could feel you from my dreams"... Adorable. Beautifully woven lines. I really enjoyed it.

Anonymous said...

how're u

drop a mail at

suddenly so many comments from u.. why why? how r u reminded of me suddenly?

chalo, stay great

donno when will i get access to net nxt but will reply to ur mail

tk cr

u know me!

Roshni S said...

hmm.. gud one.. true feelings!

Anonymous said...

How I wish there would have been more of it.

Unknown said...

Good one Mr.Developer! 😊
How i wish, you were this sweet with your words in the war rooms 😝 (kidding).

Unknown said...

How I wish, all your dreams come true :)