Silence Kills, Speak Up

Silence can be deceptive. Speak up, you may never get a chance to say what you wanted to.

There are worse jobs, worse people!


27th July 2007 - 27th July 2012!!!

5 years of life into the real world! Yes, it has been five years that I stepped into the real world and I must say life has changed! All I can do right now is look back and pause. 

Normally it's said that time flies by and life is short. Of course that's true but these five years weren't short or it didn't so happen that life just moved on like a fairy tale. Looking back I realize how have things been from being a fresh graduate to a person who has experienced the true life closely. Until I started this journey, I had always been at home and always saw the real world through others eyes. People said The world is cruel and mean!, but as they say you won't know until you experience it. Thus there was lot of expectation when I started on my expedition of life and it was worth it. True that! World is cruel and mean but how one takes it and looks at it is all that matters. 

There would be zillions of things which I can pick from these last five years and complain about but every time I have fallen, every time I have been pushed back and every time I have been left all alone, I have learnt one thing - Patience pays! It makes you stronger and confident. Changes start showing in one's way of looking at things which perhaps would have been different had one not gone through the challenges thrown at. There would be zillions of things which I would personally want to change or may be do differently if given a chance but now, all I can do is pat my own back for doing my best and giving it my best shot. I may not have the authority to change things but I am proud for the way things have gone and more so the way I have faced it. As my lead says 'There are worse jobs, worse people!', I echo!!

There is lot to be seen and faced in future and what I have seen or faced till now is just the tip of the iceberg. His words made me stronger in true sense and I feel lucky to have just not faced what could have been worse.

I thank God for having been kind enough to have given me strength, some fantastic people to have worked with who have been my lifeline through these five years and become buddies for lifetime. I thank my parents and family for standing by me and having faith in what I did so far. I thank each one of those people who have come across me and touched my life in a way that I am still on this voyage. For without their support and encouragement I would have never been where and what I am today. Sounds like an acknowledgement page but yes there is lot to be done and achieved and without all their support and belief moving ahead would not only be tough but also meaningless.

Looking forward to yet another fresh start so I can mend things where I faltered and do a better job. A journey to be made for the betterment of everyone. A life with more meaning, intent and worth.

With some old and new Dreams with purpose and a salute to the last five years, I wish to go ahead and hit hard at Life :)


4 broke the Silence...wen wud U?: (+add yours?)

Anonymous said...

Awesome write up. Could feel few of the points made above as I was scanning through the passage.

Observer said...

Yo dude.. very well expressed. I could feel the depth !!

Abhi said...

Thanks Biswajit and Vivek!

we all have been 5yrs into the corporate world, so understandable!! :)

Unknown said...

Patience pays! May or may not!!!
I guess not for everyone :(