Silence Kills, Speak Up

Silence can be deceptive. Speak up, you may never get a chance to say what you wanted to.

Missing Arvind !


Negi is leaving tomorrow and somehow I feel, I would be missing a good human being around. A good friend who could give all gyan regarding how to go about pursuing a course in Australia to the gyan why he always had a contradicting thought to everything that he was said before him. A true character who could make a dead man laugh aloud and who could draw your attention to a very valid point by his all witty logic.

All the best dude for all your future endeavors.

Miss your gorgeous smile and the attempt to have the Aamir Khan IStyle !!

Have a great life and hope we could be together again in this short journey called Life.

3 broke the Silence...wen wud U?: (+add yours?)

The Kalidash said...

Great mind innovates great idea..
i never thought that u have a blog and u r updating yaar..little bit busy in office.i have a lot to write about you.i ll do it in a couple of days.keep going.send me your c.v.

Unknown said...

really, losing a friend is like losing a part of yourself only. well said.

Abhi said...

@Amit : I thought u were aware of it...never mind...better late than never... will keep u posted.


Thanks for the feedback.