Silence Kills, Speak Up

Silence can be deceptive. Speak up, you may never get a chance to say what you wanted to.

Reaching out


How about making this post more interactive? Its just an attempt to connect to those people who have been following my blog for a while. Been a long time that I have been into this world of blogging. But perhaps this is for the first time that I am trying to connect to you all by having your take on it.

Now that I have been in and out of this world quite many times, the main reason that for this is I'm not quite sure about what would intrest you as a reader. Over these period of more than 3 years I have come across change in my style of writing, the stuff I have concentrated on and the agenda of every post. There have been suggestions to reduce the length of my posts and I have been trying hard to acheive that. So there have been quite many factors which have directed my posts. Sometimes, its just my mental state and circumstances in my life which have made me post my writing over here. But there is this missing link. That's you no doubt.

So, guys all I need to know is what is it that you think I should post more upon? Which category should I connect more through my posts. You can pick them from my labels cloud for your convinience. There have been posts on fiction, non fiction, peotry, philosophy, politics, sports, reviews, my fav topics related to relationships. So request you to come up with your thoughts and make a contribution to what you like reading and for what you land up here.

Yeah, I do sound a bit more democratic than my previous ways of posts which were comepletely autocratic. So guys hurry up and give me something to write about.

Eagerly waiting for your valuable response on this. Thanks

2 broke the Silence...wen wud U?: (+add yours?)

MSawant said...

Write your mind, write what you feel; not what others want to read. Then only you will be able to involve yourself into it and enjoy writing :)
Just be yourself. That's it!

Abhi said...

@MSawant: Thank You for making out time in responding to this post. Thanks for your suggestions and i will surely ensure that it is followed!
