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I too had a love story by Ravinder Singh book review


It had been long time that I had read a good book and nothing better than "I too had a love story" by Ravinder Singh to make that long wait end. This was a book which came across me as a surprise. Though I had never heard about this book, but my quest to read a book made me purchase this one thanks to the price being only 80 INR. Jokes apart the quote on the book "Not everyone in this world has the fate to cherish the fullest form of love. Some are born, just to experience the abbreviation of it" made me feel like going through the love story which seemed to be true.

"I too had a love story" is a true love story. It's about Ravin's life and his much loved beloved Khushi. Being a true one it has the simple, common things which every one of us can relate to. Full credit goes to Ravinder for creating the magic through his words. It would have never been an easy task to pen down one's own story when you have lived it. One would not know what to put in and what not in a very nut shell making it interesting at the same time. That makes the book beautiful. The way Ravinder has carved the characters, the situations and specifically the conversations are worth noticing. His narration is very much like a conversation and one would feel him telling the story face to face. The biggest thing that the book has is the conversations between the two partners. You would die to keep on reading the conversations just because you too would have had such small talks in this new age of technology. It's not a classical love story of the old days, but it's a story of the twenty first century with the strong base of Indian values.

Everyone who has loved or knows what love is all about would love to read the book and those who have not felt it in their heart and are yet to experience what love is, they would also not be disappointed. Ravinder himself being a person from the field of IT working in a renowned IT company instantly connects to the readers from the industry specifically. Generally considered to be naïve and non romantic that a software engineer can as well have emotions and feel like any normal person rather than being a techno-savvy gimmick is what meets the expectations from the young budding writer's attempt.

This is a story about a software engineer who lands up in a matrimonial site named and happens to get the love of his life. The love that they both share over the long distance by the help of the gadgets and technology proves that love over the internet, social networking sites and phone is not a new thing for this generation. It can be natural and very much practical given the sincerity among the partners. Further, it also brings to the fore the life which the young graduate software engineers lead. Their aspirations, their expectations from life and from their relationships for which they find very less time thanks to the overly demanding professional life has been subtly put in though this is not the theme or objective of the book. But it definitely is the undercurrent. This book shows how the two people go along with their love story and how it turns into a tragic end but nevertheless that life needs to move on and it's not always the end to life.

Though quite predictable, the story is well carved out and very much tightly intact. It keeps you well connected. It doesnt let you keep it down and take a break. This is a book worth reading and can also be gifted to your loved one. One of the classics in this genre and I suppose very much close in comparison to "Love Story" by Erich Segal. It's already a national bestseller.

You can buy this book only for only Rs.80 from the official website
Don't forget to read the reader's comments and what media says.

Happy reading and hope you find to know the true meaning of love which is tough to find in this materialistic world.

16 broke the Silence...wen wud U?: (+add yours?)

Sangeeth K said...

Good Work. I'm waiting to get my hands on that book.
Anyways a caution for people "dating online". There has been cases of impersonation in the past. A fresh "myspace" case was just in the headlines for a teenager girl loosing her life. Be cautious, but please do LOVE :).

Abhi said...

Hi Sangeeth,

Do get hold of this book and u wud love it if you like reading love stories.

we all have known such cases of impersonation and people taking advantage but if you look back 10 years down the line people even used to make anonymous mail id with the fear of revealing their identity. But now with social networking on the rise, people have learnt to respect each other's space on net as well.

Jen said...

That sounds like an interesting book...I'll have to keep it in mind when I need another book to read!

Abhi said...


It definitely is an interesting one with different emotions expressed..

thanks for visit :)

UPrinting Review said...

The plot is actually unexpected, judging from the cover of the book. It sounds interesting, but honestly a lot of people have probably an idea of what it's like to have a long distance relationship that can only be connected through technology. :)

Anonymous said...

A lovely and worth reading book..

Sapna said...

i happened to read this book recently..... its amazing.... love story by eric segal was my fav... now "i too had a love story" is close behing.... :)

Anonymous said...

some books,some writings takes us to d world of imagination as though it had been to us nd in this story i felt d same....i along with my some frends read it together and felt we r just a part of it.........i really liked it very much.for all who says i luv u nd really dnt have any idea about wat luv should read it to know what luv actully is........AT LAST I WOULD JUST LIKE TO SUMMER UP BY SAYING I ND MY FREND NEHA ARE D CRAZZIEST FAN OF THIS BOOK

Abhi said...

completely agree with u!

I am as well a big fan of this book.. if Eric Segal was classic then it is the future classic for me!

keep providing ur valuable feedback!

Mirza Ghalib said...

its really a nice story... really enjoyed the book thoroughly.. this book is really great, it has touched my heart ... the story is written in simple english which help the readers to understand it better... its tragic end brings a new style of ending which shows that all love stories doesn't has a good ending...

Abhi said...

Definitely worth a read even after 7yrs when I reread the book. :)

Abhi said...

I concur with you Sapna on this. :)

Abhi said...

True that mate! While we see more of his books have been published but this one remains the best which beats the rest. :)

Abhi said...

Hope you got your hands on this book. :)

Abhi said...

Yep! With 7yrs gone past this is no more a secret now... But to be honest when this was written it was still the beginning of people knowing more on the subject.

Abhi said...
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